How to Convert Microsoft Office to Volume

Convert retail licensed Microsoft Office to volume license

If you installed Microsoft Office retail license and your organization requires that you need to use KMS server to activate your installation, you need to convert it to volume license first in order for KMS to work.

If you installed Microsoft Office retail license and you want to activate/crack it using KMS_VL_ALL version 35 and lower, you need to convert it to volume license first in order for KMS to work.

If you are using Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS) or KMS_VL_ALL version 36 and higher, no need to convert it using this tool as MAS or KMS_VL_ALL will automatically convert Microsoft Office to volume license if needed.

  1. Download office-C2R-to-VOL here.
  2. Extract the archive.
  3. Run Convert-C2R.cmd as administrator.
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