Hacking vs. Cheating

The difference between hacking and cheating

“Hacking is like going to the top of Mt. Everest with a helicopter, while cheating is teleporting.”

When someone hacks, a lot of people says that they were cheating, but hacking and cheating is different.
Hacking means you are creating a new way to get to the top, but still you need an effort to get to the top.
Cheating means that you are going to the top without any effort.

When going to the top of Mt. Everest using a helicopter, a lot of people says that they were cheating, but even though, you still require a lot of effort to go to the top using a helicopter. So it is “hacking” not cheating.
But teleporting to the top of Mt. Everest is cheating, because you didn’t exert any effort.

Not all hacking is cheating and not all cheating is hacking.

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Last updated on March 25, 2022 01:00:00 AM +0800
By Shawn M.
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